Monday, August 15, 2005

High gas prices? Who cares!

So gas is up to $2.70 a gallon here in D.C. People are talking about ways to save gas, etc. What are we doing about it? We are doubling the amount of big trips we take! We're gone every weekend! That will show them--we LAUGH in the face of high gas prices! LOL! On the downside, though, all this traveling is taking a toll on us. In brief, we had a good time at Rose's, although I must confess that I am not really a "lake water" person. The boys' aqua socks smelled so incredibly nasty when we got home, I could barely get them out of the bag to dry. Bleh. Plus, Luke and I saw a water snake, which didn't make me more eager to go in. I actually dreamed about water snakes last night, so it obviously made a big impression! Rose has tons of fun stuff--it was like a paradise for kids. She had a trampline in the yard, as well as a water trampoline out in the lake with a slide as well. She has a paddle boat, and a sailboat, a swingset, and tons of other yard toys for the boys. They were totally exhausted when we got back late Wednesday, as was I. Then on Saturday we drove to Idlewild, the little amusement park near Bob's parents' house. Since it was the day of Bob's dad's compnay picnic, it was again absolutely jam-packed. I thought it was hot the last time we were there, but I was wrong--it was only warm. Saturday was BOILING. I thought I was going to melt. I could hardly walk around. We went through "Storybook Forest", which at least was somewhat shady, and then we spent the rest of the time in the pool with several thousand close strangers. We drove up and back on Saturday, so that was about 7 hours of driving for about 7 hours of being there. Hmmm. Then on Sunday we drove south of D.C., a little over an hour away, to go to an open house that some good friends were hosting. They moved here in June and had their 3rd baby a week later, so this was a celebration of the baby's baptism, plus just a time for everyone to see their house. Tim and Michele have such wonderful families. Tim is from California, but both of his brothers came, as well as his parents. I hope that our boys are close like that when they grow up. It was obvious that all 3 brothers have fond memories of growing up together, but also have deep relationships as adults, and their families are all close too. All of the sister-in-laws get along really well too. What a great testimony! Michele is from Wisconsin, and all of her family came as well, including cousins. We also got to see some other people that we have been stationed with before, which was a lot of fun. It's always great to catch up with old friends, so we stayed a long time and got back around 5:30. We were so exhausted, so Joanthan and I napped until 7:00. That will throw off an evening! Nathan woke up early this morning feeling sick to his stomach and vomiting, and now he's started with diarhhea. We had planned to go pick up Caleb's prescription refills and then go on to the commissary today, but we obviously are not going to be able to do that. I am really hoping we will be able to do that tomorrow though. Hopefully everyone will be feeling fine by Friday when Rose and her girls get here. They'll be here until Sunday, at which point they will drive down to Bob's sister's house in Richmond, and we will drive down to Virginia Beach for 2 days. Then we will meet up back at Ann's house for 2 more days, since Bob's brother and family, as well as Bob's parents, are going to be there. Then we will be home for a week, until we go to White Sulphur Springs for the Wright-Pat OCF retreat. THEN we should be home for awhile--and I am fully expecting gas prices to drop like a rock then.

1 comment:

Pilot Mom said...

Claire, I laughed out loud at your opening lines! And, again at the close! Too funny!

The socks were double whammyed from the start because of your being pregnant. It's a no win situation there.

Sounds like the open house was a keeper...glad you had a great time.