Friday, December 02, 2005

Doctor Update

I had my doctor appointment this morning, and it went pretty much as I expected! Everything looks fine with the baby, and I told her about my rash. She looked at it, said "Hmmm . . . " and then said there were lots of pregnancy-related rashes, but it was very unusual for them to start this early and to not be on my stomach. Exactly what my research said. So she didn't have anything new to suggest, and she wants me to go to a dermatologist. Which is easier said than done! I don't have authorization to go off-base for anything other than OB care, so I think I will have to call the Fairfax Clinic, which is my primary care provider, and then see if whoever I see will refer me to dermatology at either Ft. Belvoir or Bethesda. Then I will have to try to get an appointment there. If I'm extremely lucky, I may be able to get seen before the pregnancy is over! (You may think I am joking, but alas, I am quite serious!) So I am not counting on any relief or answers in the near future, other than miraculous relief from the Lord. I have found something that does numb the itching--it has as the main ingredient camphor, and it gives a nice icy/hot sensation. I use that before I go to bed, and that does help. Right now I am praying that the Lord will just take the rash away, and that He will enable me to deal with it until it is gone, whenever that may be. I guess this is fair play, since I have never struggled with morning sickness, heartburn, varicose veins, etc. that so many other people suffer from during pregnancy!


witw said...

I know what it is! DON'T LET THE BEDBUGS BITE!

Bob and Claire said...

LOL! Well, I don't think it's bedbugs. I have had first-hand experience with them, so I know what their bites are like! When we were in Colorado, we rented a cabin in Alma. When we got home, we had little bites on our arms, and so did Sarah B. (the B's and L's were with us). I'm sure they were bugbites--they looked like little welts, and they went away in a few days. They didn't look like a bumpy rash though--definitely like individual little bites.

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Kathyb1960 said...

I know this reply is WAAAAYYY after the fact, and years after your original post, but could that rash have been due to the mold you said you found on the baseboards?

I just recently started reading your blog and I am enjoying it!

Kathy in West Texas