Friday, February 03, 2006

A Beautiful Day

The weather today was simply gorgeous! It is sunny and warm--definitely "no jacket" weather, and I was a little too warm in a long sleeve shirt! All that is set to end tomorrow, but it sure makes for a nice February day! We were planning on cleaning bathrooms this afternoon after we got back from Sams and Wal-Mart, but instead I made an executive decision, and we all went outside (except Jonathan who was down for his nap). The boys played football ("Go Steelers" is a common rallying cry around here lately), and I took the opportunity to clean out the minivan. I try to do that before every trip, and it stays that way for about . . . 20 minutes into the trip. Then everything gets all messy, and I never get around to cleaning it again until our next trip! Good thing we travel so often! LOL!

I had my 32 week appointment this morning. Elizabeth was able to watch the boys, so I didn't have to take them with me. Several people at the doctor's office asked about them though! Everything looks just fine. The doctor did say that my glucose test was fine, although I was "near the cut-off". Well, considering it was right after New Year's, I am just thrilled that I passed! I'm not spilling any sugar in my urine or anything, so I'm not worried. Let's see--I'm measuring right at 32 weeks, I've gained 26 pounds so far (and since I have gained between 30 and 35 pounds with each pregnancy, I am right on target for that!), my blood pressure is 114/70, and . . . I guess that's all. The doctor was asking me how I thought the baby was lying, and I said I could feel a big lump up on top, which I assumed was the bottom, and then most of the movements are down lower. I think the baby is kind of on her (?!) side, facing down. The doctor felt around and said she thought the head was down too. I told her I'd never had any problems with a baby not being down, and she said that it would be a shame to make it to my fifth baby and have to have a c-section for a breech. Then she got a thoughtful look on her face and said, "Although, to be honest, someone with your history would be an excellent candidate to go vaginally with a breech baby. We would probably try that." Ummm . . . thank you, I think! LOL! No, I just laughed and said I hoped it wouldn't come to that! That does not sound like my idea of fun!


Unknown said...

I don't have any idea...well maybe I do but I don't want to think about that. Oooouch. I think you'll be fine. I am so excited. I wish I was there. A GIRL. WOooohooo. I am going shopping when I get back from Steamboat!! This poor child will be disgusted with pink. LOL!

witw said...

That is a good blood pressure reading. Also, your blood sugar is within normal limits. I don't know about the vaginal birth with a possible breech presentation. Hope the baby is head down.

witw said...

Probably needless to say, but that last comment was from Mel, not me...

Bob and Claire said...

LOL, yes, I was really confused! Not! Although I am sure that you will also be hoping that the baby's head is down, I'm not expecting any advice from you! : )