Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Nathan's Birthday Party

Here is the birthday boy himself, a big nine year old boy! It amazes me that he is halfway done with his time at home with us. How did it go so fast?!

This is his cake--"dueling lightsabers". I thought it turned out pretty well, all things considering. I must give credit here to Amy for supplying me with a toy lightsaber for my model!


Pilot Mom said...

Nathan is definitely a fine young man! Watch out Claire because the next 9 years go even faster!

Great cake! Truly, I think you should go open up your own business! It could be located right next door to our Christian bookstore that your folks and us always dream about! :)

Unknown said...

Wow...what an awesome group of photos. Anna looks delightful.

Kate said...

What a totally cool cake! You are Awesome Mom for this boy's birthday! I have never seen that before and now I will have to think about doing it because I know my son would just love it!
