Thursday, February 28, 2008

Pinkeye Update

Caleb's eye is so much better! He got up once during the night, but by morning, it was not anywhere near as red and swollen or gunky. I did indeed have some breast milk handy, so I put some of that in there (thanks for the idea, Carri!). I called it "medicine". He did want further clarification, though, because he was a little worried it was "regular milk", to which he is quite allergic. I told him it was breastmilk, and he was fine with that--anything as long as it's not regular milk, LOL. His eye looks great this evening. Praise the Lord!

Grace had some gunk in her eye tonight after dinner and before bed, so I put some breastmilk in there too. Hopefully that will prevent anything from really developing. We'll see! So far everyone else has clear eyes. I have a terrible head cold though, so I am not feeling my best. But as I keep telling myself, at least my eyes aren't all swollen and itchy!!

1 comment:

Dy said...

LOL. It's funny, but the idea of using breastmilk doesn't phase the boys one bit. I tried to conceal the contents of the cotton pad once, and John asked me point-blank, "Is this the stuff you used last time, because I don't care what it was, it worked and it didn't sting! I want *that*."

They're actually pretty psyched that we'll soon have a stash of it again, for things like pink eye! They know it works, and they appreciate that.

I hope it clears soon.