Friday, August 15, 2008

A Timely Devotional

This is from my daily Elizabeth Elliot devotional email:


There are dry, fruitless, lonely places in each of our lives, where we seem to travel alone, sometimes feeling as though we must surely have lost the way. What am I doing here? How did this happen? Lord, get me out of this!

He does not get us out. Not when we ask for it, at any rate, because it was He all along who brought us to this place. He has been here before--it is no wilderness to Him, and He walks with us. There are things to be seen and learned in these apparent wastelands which cannot be seen and learned in the "city"--in places of comfort, convenience, and company.

God does not intend to make it no wasteland. He intends rather to keep us--to hold us with his strength, to sustain us with his sure words--in a place where there is nothing else we can count on.

"God did not guide them by the road towards the Philistines, although that was the shortest...God made them go round by way of the wilderness towards the Red Sea" (Ex 13:17,18 NEB).

Imagine what Israel and all of us who worship Israel's God would have missed if they had gone by the short route--the thrilling story of the deliverance from Egypt's chariots when the sea was rolled back. Let's not ask for shortcuts. Let's keep alert for the wonders our Guide will show us in the wilderness.

1 comment:

Pilot Mom said...

I couldn't agree more with what she says. It was not always pleasant, sometimes scary, and at times it seemed pitch black, but I would not trade last year for anything! UJ and I came out of our "wilderness" stronger, more alive, and closer together and closer to God than ever before. When one draws near like that you can never return to what was before. Well, for me I would not want to go backward. I only desire to go deeper in my relationship with Him.

Hang in there. Cling to Him like never before. Immerse yourself in His Word. Bathe yourself in prayer. The Son does shine on the other side of the wilderness. I promise. (((((hugs)))