Friday, September 12, 2008

Week of Appointments

We've had either a doctor or a dental appointment every day this week except today. And tonight we had Bible study over here at our house, so it was a day of cleaning!

Two of those appointments were for Luke, at the orthodontist's. Monday we went and they tied off his expander. He has to keep it in for a few more months, but we are done turning the screw and opening it more. It's been amazing to watch the transformation in his mouth. You can really see a difference! He had 2 teeth that had come in so high--way up in his gum--so high you couldn't even see them unless he pulled his lip way up. Well, with the new room from the expander, one tooth has dropped down almost to where it needs to be, and the other tooth has also lowered significantly.

On Thursday we went back for the orthodontist to put braces on these front top teeth--6 brackets in all. This will move the front 2 teeth back together (they have separated as a result of the expander), which will give the one tooth even more room to drop down to where it needs to be. I'm not sure how long he'll need the braces. We go back in a month, and I guess they'll tell us how well it's going at that point.

He really didn't complain at all about the expander, except that it really bugged him to get food stuck up there. He's developed this vacuum sucking noise that he does all the time to try to clear stuff out of it. I won't be sorry to see that thing go, LOL. He has been complaining about his teeth/mouth hurting since he got the braces put on, however. I've been giving him motrin, but I'm glad he doesn't have a whole mouth-full of braces! That must be excruciating!


The Brooks Family said...

Aww, I totally feel for the guy. I went to the orthodontist for 6 years, and Matt had the expander thingy too. Looking back, that was a great experience - teaching me how to deal with pain that was for something positive. Haha, like childbirth. Guess Luke won't need that one...

Pilot Mom said...

Hurrah, Luke! Good for you.

I can remember coming home with my mouth full of braces and they didn't really hurt too much at first. Then later that afternoon I went to do something in the kitchen and my whole mouth ached. I unconsciously opend my mouth and reached up to take out my "retainer." Oops. They didn't come off for 6 years. In the end they were worth it! :D