Thursday, February 05, 2009

Another Appointment

I had my last OB appointment this afternoon at Bethesda. The doctor said I was 3 cm dilated this time, so that's some slight progress over last appointment. She did a very thorough job of stripping my membranes, so maybe that will start something. I went into labor with Luke after having my membranes stripped, but not with anyone else that I can remember. I know I had my membranes stripped multiple times by multiple different doctors when I was pregnant with Jonathan, and he was still 2 weeks overdue and had to be induced!

The baby is still really high. In fact, as the doctor was stripping my membranes, she kept laughing because the baby was sticking her hand down there and pushing against the doctor's hand! Before the doctor stopped, she said the baby moved her hand back up by her body, so that's good. Hopefully she will move down, at least before the induction. They won't break my water with her so high, because they don't want the cord to wash down first.

So there you have it. I would say if I don't start having contractions tonight, then nothing will happen until I get induced. At least I have a homeschool co-op moms' meeting tonight to distract me.

1 comment:

Beverly said...

Praying for you, Claire!! Hopefully something will happen! I only had my membranes stripped with Tobin, as I had my 40-week appt one day after he was due. It worked...and his was the "easiest" labor, considering the epidural came at the right time and worked like a charm, ha!