Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Good Thing About Having a Big Family . . .

. . . you can have a great game of baseball with 2 neighbor boys.

The even better thing about having a big family . . .

. . . you can have a great game of street hockey even when the neighbors have to go home!

We had a day of beautiful weather, and Bob and the boys were outside almost the whole day. They planted some stuff in our garden (although we aren't expecting much, since we all have very black thumbs, LOL), and Bob cut down some ugly shrubs on the side of the house and painted our mailbox post. The boys played baseball, hockey, and everyone including Anna and Grace ran through the sprinklers. Anna has been DYING to do that for forever. She loves putting on her swimsuit. Even Faith spent some time outside in her bouncy seat. It was so wonderful to have nice weather!


Veronica @ Luv My Quiver Full Of Arrows said...

We also see the beauty of having a large family in most everything we do!

Yes, thank you, Lord for this beautiful weather. I am so ready to put on some shorts and a tank top!!

God bless you today! xoxo, Veronica in CA

Johanna said...

The weather has been great -- Olivia was so tired by 1830 last night I had to feed her before everyone else and she almost fell asleep at the table. Slept until almost 0800. I LOVE summer