Wednesday, May 06, 2009

School versus Life

Last night I remarked to Bob how well things were going! Faith is sleeping really well, I'm feeling so much more rested and energetic, I'm getting everything done for school that I want to get done each day, and even the house is staying cleaner! So I was all prepared to post today about what we're doing school-wise, but of course, as soon as you breathe the words "everything's going well", you know what happens! Something to derail the whole thing! Last night that something was Nathan. He stumbled out of his room at 1:00 AM and promptly threw up his entire dinner into a trash can. (Yay for him making it! He hasn't always been so quick on the uptake, LOL.) Then he proceeded to throw up about every half hour at first, then it slowed to every hour or 2, for the rest of the night. Poor Luke came and got me each time while Nathan suffered not very stoicly, poor guy. I think it was a total of 8 times, mainly dry heaves. He threw up the last time at 7:30 this morning, and since then he has been better, even eating a piece of toast and some applesauce, but still . . . not much school was done today because we are all so tired.

I do think there has been some little virus going around. One night last week (Thursday maybe?) Jonathan announced he wasn't feeling so well. A little while later, he went over to the kitchen trash can and lost his dinner, and that was that. Then Sunday morning Luke woke up not feeling well. He stayed home from church with Bob and threw up twice (VERY unusual for him--he never throws up), and then he felt fine by the afternoon. No one ran a fever or had any other symptoms of anything at all, so I just vaguely put it down to something not agreeing with them or whatever. But now that I think back, that is an unusually high occurance of vomiting for our household, so I think it's a bug! And now Nathan, "The Boy with the Pillow-Soft Stomach" has it, and his poor tummy can't get over it. Actually, as I type this, he is back in the bathroom, moaning and groaning, so I guess he is not all better. Poor boy.

I am praying that Caleb especially doesn't get this because we test next week, and I want everyone to be healthy! And we certainly don't need Grace to have another spell of no eating, where she drops back below 20 pounds. And Faith is so little . . . Hopefully this bug will just leave our house without bothering anyone else!


Beverly said...

Oh, Claire, I hope and pray all of you get/stay better soon!! That is NO fun. I can deal with snotty noses and other sicknesses, but vomiting is not easy on anyone in the household, let alone the poor person doing the heaving!

Pilot Mom said...

It's probably just a little bug going aroung, but if anyone even makes the slightest oink sound, RUN!! Love, AC

Michele said...

Oh my . . . I hope Nathan is feeling better -- and that Caleb doesn't get it. Thomas is testing this week, and both Julia and Andrew had fever no symptoms the past couple weeks. So far, Thomas is doing fine. Ugh, the stomach thing is NO fun.