Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A New Laundry Room!

The laundry room is finished!! It looks so nice! Here is a picture of the tile, so you can admire the lovely job Bob did in laying them and grouting them. Before you ask, no, he is not planning on going into the tile business after retirement. It's hard on the back and knees!
We used to have a utility sink next to our washer and dryer. It was next to useless because it didn't have legs, so it just hung from the wall. This meant that over time, it sank lower and lower in the front. When I would try to use it, if I didn't wipe the water completely out of the front of the sink, it would just stay there and get mildewy. Nice! So eventually I just started tossing things in there, things that were fairly light, but nonetheless, it was obvious I wasn't planning on using it anymore. We needed more storage in the laundry room, though. Along the wall opposite the washer and dryer we had 1 large shelving unit and 1 smaller one. I used these as an auxiliary pantry, because the one we have in our kitchen is not nearly big enough for the amount of food I get at our every-6-week trips to the commissary for a family of 9. Bob had the bright idea of not putting the utility sink back, after they took it out to paint, and instead getting some sort of cabinet. We went to Lowes last night, and lo and behold, they had one that was premade and already stained! Bob had thought he would be making one, and if so, we would have made it higher to match the height of the cabinets already there about the washer and dryer, but oh well. This saved a ton of time and work for Bob, and we can start using it immediately! We're hoping it will replace at least the bigger shelves, which will make it less crowded in there.
Here is a picture of the laundry room where you can see the wall that the shelves were against. The shelves completely blocked the door, which was fine because we never use that door. But it did make there be very little room for the multitudinous luandry baskets coming in and out of the room! The very best part of the picture, however, is that it shows the washer and dryer in good, working order! In my very own house! After 2 weeks of having to truck all of our vast quantities of laundry over to the L's house, it was like heaven to do it without setting foot outside! A modern Christmas miracle!

1 comment:

Johanna said...

It looks so awesome.