Thursday, December 05, 2013

Catching Up

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving weekend!  I know we did!  We had our own big meal on Friday, so we could have plenty of left-overs, and it was delicious.  We were going to have ice cream afterward to celebrate Drew's birthday, but well, we were all full, and we had to pack, so it didn't happen.

The reason we had to pack is that we left Saturday morning to drive up to PA to visit Bob's family!  On our way up, we talked to Bob's sister Jane, who was telling us she probably wasn't going to be able to see us, since she was having car problems.  : (  She also told us that Bob's mom was sick.  I was glad she told us, but we were still a little surprised at how sick she actually was!  She was actually in bed when we got there, running a big fever, and just looking unwell.  If you know Bob's mom at all, you would know that she hardly even sits, much less lies down, when she has company, so this was definitely a sign that she was not feeling well.  We encouraged her to take more medicine and to get more rest, and she laid back under the covers without protesting! 

Fortunately, the nap and medicine did her well, and she made an appearance downstairs when she woke up, looking much better.  She didn't want to miss all the visiting!  We were thrilled that Bob's niece Sara and nephew Brandon stopped by, along with Sara's boyfriend Matt.  Sara was preparing to leave the next day for 3 weeks in China for her job, so it was good to catch up with her before that!  We're praying for a safe trip and can't wait to see pictures! 
Sunday morning we headed back over to Bob's parents' house after breakfast, swimming, a nap for Drew, and packing up at the hotel.  Bob's mom was definitely feeling and looking better then too, thankfully.  Bob's brother Paul stopped by with Brandon again, and it was fun to visit with them!  We left around 3:00 to join all the after-Thanksgiving traffic heading back to D.C.  Nathan drove all the way up to PA, as well as half the way back.  He's becoming quite the captain of our passenger van service!  It's really nice to have a 3rd driver.
We continued the holiday weekend on Monday, since Bob took the day off.  We had our appointment to apply for our passports at 10:00 at the post office!  I was up late the night before making sure all our paperwork was in order.  When we got to the window, the lady told me that they didn't have anything scheduled for passport appointments.  I told her Bob had called, and she asked me our names.  There they all were in the book, and she said, "Oh, I just thought someone wrote in all those names as a joke."  ??  Anyway, she turned out to be nice and helpful.  I thought the appointment would take hours, but in fact, it only took 1 hour for 10 of us!  Bob's replacement birth certificate still hasn't come in the mail.  When we got home, he was looking for something in the study, and he looked in an old briefcase--and found his missing expired passport!  I had intended to clean the study on Friday, but I didn't get that far.  If only I had--then he could have gotten his application in then too!  His appointment is for next Saturday, so that should be fine. 
I hope you all had a restful, thanksgiving-filled weekend!

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