Wednesday, September 08, 2010

First OB Appointment!

This afternoon I had my first OB appointment with this pregnancy. I got to see one of the midwives there at Bethesda, and she was so very nice. She told me she would refer me for a level 2 ultrasound, since I am over 35 (of course, I was over 35 with Faith too, and I don't recall anyone even mentioning a level 2 ultrasound!). She said I could also have genetic counseling with that ultrasound, which I declined. At the OB orientation I was alarmed when the lady leading it said that to be referred to your regular 20 week ultrasound, you now had to take this mandatory 1 hour genetic counseling class. What in the world?! I absolutely do not want to waste an afternoon listening to someone blather on about stuff I either already know or could certainly read up on my own! So I asked the midwife about this mandatory class, and she said, "Oh, I really don't think anyone is going to make YOU take that class! It's mainly for first-time moms with lots of questions." Whew! It did seem like the powers-that-be wanted people getting the level 2 ultrasound to have had the genetic counseling though. The midwife asked if I had any counseling with Faith, but I did not. So then she said, "Well, if anyone asks, I'll just say you were over 35 when you had your last baby, and you delivered here . . . I don't think anyone will ask any more questions . . ."

She did a dating ultrasound, and each picture showed the baby measuring 9 weeks, 2 days, instead of the 10 weeks, 4 days just going by my LMP date. But I have longer cycles usually, so I am sure that is right. That gestational age moves my due date back a week, to April 11. I would much rather have an accurate due date, especially if I have gestational diabetes again and feel pressured to deliver before 40 weeks, when they will induce! Jonathan was 2 weeks overdue, but I think his due date was off. He did not look like a very post-term baby when he came out. Also, he was the last baby I had the triple screen done, and that number came back very low (so we worried until the ultrasound, which didn't show any problems). But one reason the number could be low is if the baby is not as old as they think he is!

The baby looked like a little teddy graham in there, and the little heart was beating away. I love seeing that beating heart! I definitely don't take that for granted.

I do have to take a one hour glucose tolerance test before 20 weeks. I'm not looking forward to that, but I'm not surprised either. I have another appointment on Oct. 12 (maybe--I'm not looking at my calendar), so I'm hoping to do it before or after that appointment. I had a fasting blood sugar draw the end of August, and that was fine.

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