Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Happy Birthday, Jonathan!!

Jonathan turned 11 while we were in Ohio!  We actually started celebrating early, before we left.  Bob took Nathan, Luke, and Jonathan to Nathan's new favorite place, a military surplus store, for Nathan to get one last thing for PJOC, which is coming up soon.  Jonathan fell in love with this hat, so Bob bought him an early birthday present.  It's sort of an "Ohio Jonny" look.
On his actual birthday, Nathan, Luke, and I had been doing some thrift store shopping in Ohio.  We also had to stop by Walmart, so we picked up some special after-lunch desserts for everyone, since I wasn't making a cake or anything.  We found this adorable mini-cheese sampler, with 4 different kinds of cheesecake, as well as a small container of this "chocolate mousse dessert".  It was all really yummy, and everyone enjoyed tasting both things!
For dinner that day, we went to Youngs.  Jonathan picked a hot fudge ice cream sundae for his dessert.  He had never had one before!  He picked chocolate peanut butter for the ice cream to go in it.  He enjoyed it, but he couldn't eat it all, so Bob finished it.  He reported that it was "quite rich", LOL.
Jonathan just yesterday was able to use a Walmart gift card Grandma and Grandpa gave him to buy this nerf crossbow and replacement bullets!  That was quite popular around here yesterday, and I foresee lots of random bullets around in the next several months.

Jonathan is such a fun addition to our family!  You might think that being the 4th boy, he would constantly be trying to keep up with his older brothers, but he very much marches to the beat of his own drum.  He's still got the artistic talent, and he is also very interested in birds.  He tells us he would like to be an ornithologist when he grows up.  He really wants to get a pet bird, but I've told him he has to wait a few years.  It took several years for us to get a bunny, and I always wanted one of those!  Birds are so loud and messy, LOL--I think more noise in the house would drive me over the edge right now!  And we really don't have room anywhere for another cage.  In the meantime, we were all pleased to see that our birdhouse in the front yard has another occupant.  It must be another wren, since once again, this bird built its nest really late.  Anyway, he can observe that bird and her babies all he wants!  A "pet" with no responsibilities for me!

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