Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Happy Birthday, Dan!

My only brother's birthday is today! We sent you a card, Dan, but it will be late. I hope you're not shocked by that! : ) His birthday, his wife's birthday, and their anniversary are all conveniently located in one month so as to minimize the risk that a disorganized sister would forget to get cards, etc. (Thanks! That was thoughtful of you all to work that out like that!) So I bought them all, but unfortunately I smugly sat back and rested, so I never got the boys to sign the card, hence it didn't get mailed until yesterday. Next year . . .

We're three years apart, and several states apart as well right now, but I couldn't have asked for a better brother. Even with such a big age spread, we got along pretty well, and I have great memories of us playing together growing up. We liked to have long, drawn-out stories that we palyed out with Little People, where we would each control certain ones. They could pretty much say whatever the person controlling them wanted, so it was very unscripted, and when it was time to stop, we just left them and picked up the story later. We did similar things with Legos, but there we always started out with some kind of theme, and we each built a house or whatever and then acted out our stories. One common theme was "cliff-dwelling Indians", which came about after a trip to Colorado to visit our grandparents. Another theme was "gypsies", and we would make self-contained houses on one of those little Lego pad things, as if it was a wagon or something. I think we did a space station sort of thing as well. It was fun. Dan and I have similar strengths and interests, and in college we even got to take a class together--advanced calculus. That was fun too. I wish we were closer so we could see him more often and get to know his wonderful new wife better, but we still keep in touch, and we try to get together whenever possible. And we're certainly thinking of him today, and wishing him a very happy birthday! We love you! The boys wish they could have cake and ice cream with you to celebrate! : )

1 comment:

CenterUniverse said...

An excelent blog, I plan on sending my son to private Christian school, I don't want him indoctrinated with public school misleadings such as evolution.

Public schools are on the down as of late, and will continue to get worse until prayer and God is put back in.