Friday, November 30, 2007

Dress Up Night

While we were at Grandma's house, she brought out a box of stuff she had brought back from Aunt Claire's. A big box of things that used to be Nana's--clothes, shoes, hats, purses, and jewelry.

I don't think I need to tell you how much fun the kids had trying these things on!

Nathan commented again on how thrilled he was to have been born a boy, rather than a girl. "High heels hurt! Why would you ever wear these things?!"

Anna of course loved the shoes best of all. In a few years, when Grace, Anna, and their cousin Emily are all at Grandma's, they are going to have such a ball dressing up! The jewelry alone is every girl's dream!

1 comment:

Pilot Mom said...

What a riot we had!! It was almost too much laughing with the dress up AND Victor Borge at the same time!!

I cracked up when I saw the pic of Anna with her tongue out! What was she doing?! I remember her doing that but I thought you had taken the picture before, or maybe after the tongue. Lol!