Tuesday, March 16, 2010

They say Virginia is a southern state . . .

And it must be true, because here are two southern belles! Bob's sister Rose gave us dressup clothes from her girls back at Christmas, and Anna and Grace have LOVED them all. Grace's favorite is definitely this purple number, since she will tell you, purple is her favorite color. Anna likes any of the pink dresses. They don't usually wear the hats with them, though. That was a new touch. Sometimes they like to put on ballerina tutus (also from Rose) under these dresses, which makes a VERY big skirt. They love dressing up!
Here is a bonus picture of Faith, who is not a southern girl, but who does like being in pictures, LOL. Next year I think we'll have 3 in big pouffy dresses, though. She does like hats and shoes already!

1 comment:

Pilot Mom said...

*spoken with a southern drawl*...

Why, I do declare, I am sure I have nevah seen such dainty beauties beforah....!

What great pics of all three girls! I wish I lived closer because I sure would enjoy participating in the dress ups! I could be their "lady in waiting" helping them with their dress changes and doing their hair! :) Maybe I could even be persuaded to find the pumpkin coach and driver which escorted their Princess mom around the kingdom! ;) I love you, Claire.