Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tired . . .

I can tell I am approaching my third trimester, as I am definitely getting more and more tired! Each night, I sit down on the couch with the laptop and think, "I should blog!", but the mental energy needed is simply not there. I still am having some troubles with my arms falling asleep when I sleep, but things are definitely better, now that I am not doing as much as I was before Christmas. Also, I figured out that I just can't sleep on my right side. Something about that side (which is the side where I had my rib removed) is just screwy. I'm getting an early birthday present on Friday that I hope will help even more--a massage at my chiropractor's office!

I still haven't heard anything from the OB clinic about my 1 hour glucose test. Each time the phone rings, and it's a "301" number, my heart jumps though, LOL. I am still faithfully exercising about 40 minutes a day (another reason for the fatigue . . .), so we'll see.

I am finding myself ever-increasingly irritated about little things. We are in this spate of losing things--a library book, the Latin answer key, Nathan's mp3 player, etc. It is driving. me. crazy. I am not dealing well! Also, we have several laptops, but the only one we can print from has decided, for whatever reason (we for sure can't figure it out) that it doesn't want to print. Again, driving me insane. Such little things! I just feel like I am very edgy about everything. I really wish all the kids would go away for a week so I could just clean and organize! (Of course, I don't have extra energy . . . so I'm sure I would actually get anything done, LOL. But it's a nice thought!) It sounds like I'm not 27 weeks, but 37 weeks!

But life is going on, whether I can find things or not. Someday I'll be organized again (right? RIGHT?!). In the meantime, everyone is eating regularly and wearing clean clothes, and we haven't drowned in papers yet. Rivendell is going well, and I also just started teaching Nathan, Luke, Isaac, and Caleb McC the first year of Henle Latin. I know I just need to focus on what IS going well, but when things are getting lost, etc., I feel like the wheels are going to come off at any minute, and I am not doing a good job of keeping everything together! Deep breath . . . hopefully that massage will be really great, LOL. I think my expectations for this one poor massage are getting a little too high!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awe...I wish I lived near ya'll! I would love for the kids to come over and stay for a few days!!! I would love that! These recipes look so delicious! I am gonna print them and cook them this week! Thank you for sharing! I loved the pic you sent! The children are beautiful and you look SO young!!! praying you have a great week!! Love ya'll! Jennifer Leary