Monday, April 09, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday, Micah!

It's hard to believe that one year ago today I was in labor, preparing to push out a 10 pound, 8.5 ounce boy!  We celebrated Micah's birthday by having spaghetti, which he loves.  Jonathan and I made some rice krispie treats as well.  Having just had Anna's birthday, and Easter yesterday where I made mint frosted brownies, I really was not in the mood for more cake!  Micah loved the rice krispie treat, as well as the strawberry sorbet he had (well, he thought the sorbet was a bit cold).

So Micah's come a long way in one year!  Unfortunately I was not on the ball, and I neglected to actually schedule a one year well-baby appointment until last Friday, so the appointment isn't until May 3.  We'll have official stats then, but for right now, he's a little over 21 pounds.  He is the only one of our babies to actually be 20 pounds at 1 year old!  He's walking confidently, leading with his belly and waving his arms all around.  I am still working on getting him to eat all table food, instead of mushed up food.  He likes bread, fruit, and dessert, LOL, but he is not a fan of veggies unless they are processed and smooth.  He doesn't want to eat soup or casseroles either.  The girls were all definitely eating only table food when they turned 1, so this is just another example of kids being different.  Don't assume you figured out the perfect method just because some of your previous kids all did one thing just the way you wanted it! His idea of fun is to be outside with the older kids, and he is always devastated when they go on out the door and leave him behind!  Next summer . . .  He adores all his older siblings, who in turn think he is the cutest baby ever!

But he won't be able to rest on his "cutest baby ever" laurels for long.  We're expecting #9 the end of November!  I guess I'll have to replace that stroller after all!


Andrea@Sgt and Mrs Hub said...

Congratulations! I think I started reading your blog before you had any girls - or you were pregnant with Anna? I can't remember but each new child is exciting! I only have three of my own but I wish I could have a whole gaggle. I'm happy for you all!

Beverly said...

Oh, wow, Claire!! Congrats!!