Monday, November 24, 2008

Worrying . . .

So here I am, worrying about my 3 hour glucose test tomorrow. When I was pregnant with Grace and had to take it, my big worry was finding veins in my right arm. But since there was no problem last time, I can cross that worry off the list, LOL. Now my worries are more of a generalized, I don't think I can deal with one more thing, kind.

I've been having those really vivid pregnancy dreams, and a few nights ago, I dreamed that I forgot I was taking the test, so I ate a good hearty breakfast and had to reschedule. That same night, I also very clearly dreamed that I was in labor. I pushed the baby out in bright, colorful detail, and it was very disconcerting to wake up and realize that in fact, I was still pregnant. All that pain and pushing for nothing?! LOL

I ate 2 hard-boiled eggs and had a glass of milk a little while ago, and that'll be all I eat for awhile. I packed myself a peanut butter sandwich and some fruit, so I'll be able to eat before I come home without braving the Bethesda food court. I'm going to try to leave by 6:45, so that hopefully I'll be there by 8:30. Pray for no Beltway accidents on the Inner Loop tomorrow!

1 comment:

Beverly said...

Hope the test went well! I've had just a couple of pregnancy dreams so far, but I'm sure they'll be coming fast and furious before long. I'm also feeling big and unwieldy already--my belly is really poking way out there! And I still have 18 weeks to go! Sigh.