Saturday, January 03, 2009

Big Girl Anna

Anna has spent the last 2 nights in a big girl bed! I know she's been ready for this for a few months now, but I also knew that she would be sleeping in a crib over Christmas, while at my parents' house, so I didn't want to make the switch, and then have her go back to a crib. We tend to make the switch later than other people do. Our kids don't fuss about being in their cribs, they don't usually try to get out of their cribs, and being older when they start out in big beds, they also are better able to understand that they aren't allowed to get out of that bed and wander around the room at will. But for the past few months, we've just left the side down on Anna's crib so she can climb in and out using a chair, thus saving my back.

We had our futon in her room, set up like a couch, so we just laid it flat, and that is what she is sleeping on. We happened to have an old comforter with pink flowers, as well as pink sheets, so she was happy as a clam with those! "Pink!!" She's slept really well the past 2 nights, and she's had good naps, so yay! Now the last thing we have to do is get rid of her pacifier during bedtime . . .

We left the crib up in the room because eventually Grace will make the move over there and share the room with Anna. That will be another few months though because we'll put the new baby in our walk-in closet for a little while. I need to put up some appropriately girly pictures in the room, and I'm looking forward to finding ones that I used to have in my room when I was a little girl. I know they're in a box somewhere . . .


Unknown said...

How is Caleb doing? We have been praying for him. My mom keeps asking me if I knew if he is getting any better.

Bob and Claire said...

Oh, he's doing really well! Once he started on the antibiotics, he got better really quickly. Actually, everyone is doing better--the girls and Jonathan have stopped coughing all the time, and everyone's runny nose is gone. Yay! So we're all going to church tomorrow. I wasn't sure if that would happen even Friday! Thank you for praying!!