Friday, February 06, 2009


Well, I have had a lot of bloody show this afternoon/evening, so hopefully something is happening down there. I have had some contractions, but the baby is still in a weird position, and they feel different from the contractions I usually have--more like gas pains than menstrual cramps. She's still pretty high, I think, but I think she is facing the right way. Anyways, we'll see if anything further develops, but even if it doesn't, at least I'm hopeful that I will be more dilated on Tuesday. It's more than I had happen with Grace!

Nathan and I ran some errands today, and one place we went to was Walmart, so I could buy some castor oil. I did take castor oil before I had Anna, but it was more to relieve constipation rather than to start labor. I did have some contractions after taking it, although it did not start my labor. The bigger issue is that Anna passed meconium before birth, and I always wonder if it was because of the castor oil. I don't see how it could be, because everything I have read says that it does not pass the placenta, and the way it works physiologically would not carry over to the baby, but still . . . Anyhow, I have decided I will try taking some Sunday afternoon if nothing has happened by then. We'll see. Even though labor did not start with Anna, I was 5 cm dilated when I went to my appointment on her due date, and when they started the pitocin that morning, it was only a few hours until she was born--a much better experience that with Grace! But maybe just buying the stuff will show my body that I am SERIOUS about having this baby, and things will progress, LOL.

Today was a good day--I have already been celebrating my birthday, which technically is tomorrow. Nathan and I came home to find a beautiful bouquet of roses from Bob, and when Bob himself came home at dinnertime, he had a huge bunch of balloons of all manner of meesages--congratulations, happy birthday, it's a girl, I love you, etc. The girl at the dollar store was not sure what to make of the mixed messages! So maybe my birthday will also be my "birth day". That would be nice! You know how it is at the end--ANY day is a good day to be born!


petersonclan said...

If you are interested in other ideas, I used evening primrose oil to help things get started... always worked for me. E-mail me and I can tell you exactly... don't want it on for everyone to see. ;)

Praying for you. I thought I hit the perfect name - Abigail Amy - but then remembered that you don't re-use first initials... oh well. Haha.

Tonya said...

Not sure if you've ever seen a chiropractor, but you might try one who specializes in pregnant women. There is a technique called "webster" (I think) that they can use to make sure your pelvis is correctly aligned. This can encourage the baby to come down into the right position - just opens everything up.