Thursday, April 24, 2008

A First For Us

Yes, Jonathan broke his arm this afternoon--the first broken bone for our family! It wasn't even any dramatic way or anything. He was goofing around on a plastic car you can ride in by climbing on the hood. He fell off backwards not more than 2 feet of the ground, landing on his arm some funny way, and he broke both the ulna and the radius, the two bones in the lower arm. Fortunately Bob was home, so he ran him to a civilian ER just 5 minutes down the road from here. There was no way he could have gotten to Bethesda at 5:45 P.M.! Bob will take him to Bethesda tomorrow for a peds appointment, where they will refer him to the orthopedic surgeon for a long-term cast. At least he is left-handed!

They gave him demerol at the ER, which accounts for the glazed look in this picture. Bob is off getting tylenol with codeine right now, so hopefully he will be able to sleep through the night.

Other than that bit of excitment, it was a great day! Johanna and her kids to include her brand new, not even 2 week old baby Olivia came to play this afternoon and stay for dinner. Anna was very interested in this real, live baby! The boys played around outside and generally had a great time.

I'll let you know what the doctor says tomorrow!


Johanna said...

I hope that Jonathan is feeling better. I feel really bad for him. Hopefully our next get together is a little less eventful. Tell Bob we apologize for the not so relaxing evening. I will have to show you those yoga stretches next time. Everyone had a great time today.

Dy said...

Oh, ouch! Poor Jonathan! I hope he got a good night's rest, and that his arm heals quickly and well. {{{hugs}}}

Michele said...

Yikes! Glad that Bob was home to take him to the ER. Hope he's doing o.k.