Monday, April 28, 2008

How To Spoil A Beautiful Piece of Music . . .

We drove down to meet Bob for lunch today, and as we were driving, we were listening to the classical music radio station. They were playing Bach's Brandenburg Concerto #2, a lovely piece of music. Except that I have totally ruined it for myself by always listening to the Brandenburg Concertos when laboring. I am such a creature of habit, and I listened to this one CD all through my labor with Nathan. So of course, when I went in with Luke, that's what I listened to as well. Eventually I have started listening to other CDs during active labor, but by the time I get around to transition, Brandenburg Concertos is what I want to hear. But now I can not hear any part of the concertos without feeling sort of a nervous sick feeling, like it's almost time to push. I think I can even make myself feel a contraction, LOL. Hmmm . . . maybe next time, if I'm having trouble going into labor, I should start listening to this CD. I never even thought about that before.

Another CD I always listen to is the Newsboys He Reigns. I always listen to that when I am walking on the treadmill in the morning. I'm sure that would drive a lot of people crazy, to always listen to the same music, but for me I really like knowing where I am in my workout by hearing which song is on. I love all the songs on that CD, and I never grow tired of hearing them. I do find it hard to listen to those same songs in the car on the Christian radio station, however. I really feel like I need to get out and start walking, LOL.

So there you have it--one of my little eccentric quirks. If you expect me to relax, don't play Brandenburg Concertos or Newsboys.

1 comment:

Beverly said...

LOL to this one, Claire! You made my day with this post!