Friday, July 24, 2009

Ouch, that hits close to home!

My daily Elisabeth Elliot devotional was certainly timely--and very applicable! Here is what she had to say:

A Devious Repentance

Recently I committed a sin of what seemed to me unpardonable thoughtlessness. For days I wanted to kick myself around the block. What is the matter with me? I thought. How could I have acted so? "Fret not thyself because of evildoers" came to mind. In this case the evildoer was myself, and I was fretting. My fretting, I discovered, was a subtle kind of pride. "I'm really not that sort of person," I was saying. I did not want to be thought of as that sort of person. I was very sorry for what I had done, not primarily because I had failed someone I loved, but because my reputation would be smudged. When my reputation becomes my chief concern, my repentance has a hollow ring. No wonder Satan is called the deceiver. He has a thousand tricks, and we fall for them.

Lord, I confess my sin of thoughtlessness and my sin of pride. I pray for a more loving and a purer heart, for Jesus' sake.


Veronica @ Luv My Quiver Full Of Arrows said...

Claire, I am certain we all feel it hits close to him. We are all sinners and I thank you for this post.

xoxo, Veronica in CA

Beverly said...

Ouch, you're right...that does hit close to home. Thank you for sharing and also for being transparent about your own weaknesses. We all have them, so it's no use pretending we have it all together, eh?! Hugs!