Thursday, November 07, 2013


So yesterday I finally got pictures taken of the kids.  The last time I had a group picture of them all was when Faith was right before she turned 2--before Micah was born, for sure.  Then sometime around Micah's first birthday, I got pictures of the 3 girls and him.  I wanted to get these pictures taken this summer, but (and this is totally silly . . .) I could not figure out what all of them could wear.  We just do not have many coordinating clothes for 9.  Not even similar color schemes!  Eventually I thought of flag shirts, because my friend Lynnea has some cute pictures of her girls in matching flag shirts.  But then I was stymied by the fact that Anna outgrew her shirt and passed it on down to Grace, and well . . . pictures never happened. 

A week ago Tuesday, however, something happened.  Neissy's daughter, who is Anna's age, wore a RED FLAG SHIRT to co-op!  After Rivendell was over last week, it dawned on me that I could ask Neissy to borrow it!  Ha!  So I looked up Portrait Innovations, where we've gone for pictures the last several times, and tried to make an appointment . . .  except, come to find out, it had closed.  Really?!  That was not supposed to be the sticking point!  Coordinating outfits were the problem! 

So I stewed on that a few days, and then I went back on their website and found a different location.  It's a little farther, and more of a hassle to get to, but we went ahead with a Wednesday afternoon appointment.  Nathan and Luke have their online history class Wednesday morning, and then they are not really all that productive the rest of Wednesday, so I figured it was a good day to waste!  No one was very thrilled with the idea of getting pictures, especially Luke, but I told them they were doing it for me, since I was the one who would be all alone eventually (*cough* only 17 more years), with only pictures left . . . (cue sad music). 

Our photographer was really nice, and most people were relatively cooperative.  Micah did not have a full-out tantrum, my big fear, even though he wasn't all that into big smiles.  Drew was absolutely not smiling.  Everything the poor girl did was met with a studious, concerned look.  He did eventually smile at this big red ball--but only if he was holding it up to his face, LOL.  So the pictures of the 2 of them aren't the best, but they both have at least neutral expressions! 

I also found out that the location we used to go to only closed a few weeks ago!!  If only I had been more on the ball!  Oh well.

I am really hoping to get family pictures (including Bob and me) outside, like I see my friends getting on Facebook, next summer, along with some senior pictures of Nathan.  The last formal picture of us as a family was over 10 years ago when Jonathan was a 3 month-old baby!  It's probably time, LOL.  So I have 9 months to start thinking of coordinating outfits.  Knowing me, it will take that long, at least!

1 comment:

Lynnea said...

Hey Claire. Love the picture! I am generally happy with Portrait Innovations. Was it Fairfax or Leesburg that closed?