Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Christmas Newsletters

Today was spent in a much better Christmas spirit! We had a good day of school, the weather was beautiful so the boys could play outside, and I was able to find not only the missing garlands but also our wreath AND the wreath hanger! I was also able to go by myself to Michaels and Target tonight, which is a guaranteed way to put Christmas spirit into any stay-at-home mom. And my biggest triumph was finally getting around to writing our Christmas letter. Bob was able to play around with the margins so it fits onto our pretty Christmas paper, so now all we have to do is make copies and stuff envelopes. I am one of those people who absolutely loves Christmas newsletters. I love reading about people's families and what they've been doing. Maybe it's because we're military, and so there are a lot of people we become friends with over the years who we then don't see again for awhile. But I am always curious as to how they are doing, and once a year at Christmas is a great time to catch up! While I was back home, I read all of my parents' Christmas letters from last year. They are definitely the "staying-in-touch" type of people. There were over 150 Christmas letters in their box! It's great to visit there in December because they get lots of letters each day, unlike us, where letters and cards sort of trickle in. Reading Christmas letters has given me a vision for what heaven will be like. Whenever I am read about a family that sounds so fun, I always think that it would be neat to live near them. "Wouldn't it be great if all the people on Mom and Dad's Christmas list were in some sort of big community somewhere beautiful, like in Colorado?" And then I think, if they are Christians then we'll all be together in heaven FOREVER! What a great time we'll have! And then we won't need Christmas letters to stay in touch just once a year.

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