Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Long-Distance Relatives

I hope this gets posted in a timely manner. I posted a message about Christmas this morning, but I don't see it on the blog yet. Well, Dan and Melinda left this evening. We were all sorry to see them go, but the boys, especially Caleb, will really miss them! They read to them tirelessly, Dan wrestled with them, and they just generally gave the boys tons of attention, which they absolutely loved. We are so glad they could come and stay over a week. It really gave the boys a chance to get to know them. It's hard having "long-distance relatives", but we try to include mentions of them (and we have lots of them!) regularily, as in "Aunt Ann gave you that book", or "Do you remember playing that game when Uncle Dennis came to visit?". We also have a lot of pictures around and in scrapbooks so they can visually remember what people look like. But there's nothing like spending actual quality time with the long-distance relatives to really cement the relationship!

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