Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Well, it has been brought to my attention that I need to update the blog! We are having such a great time with Dan and Melinda and my parents visiting that blogging has been the least of my priorities. Plus, since we only have one computer, there are several of us jockeying for computer time. We've had some times of excitement around here. Two nights ago, the pipe in Caleb and Jonathan's bathroom that goes to their tub and toilet froze, so we had to turn off the water to the house while we tried to get that thawed out. Thankfully it did thaw, and nothing burst, so we were very thankful that God watched out for us. It sure was cold that night! Yesterday Dan and Melinda drove a few hours away to Lynchburg to visit Melinda's alma mater, Liberty University. They drove our Camry, which we just bought used a little while ago for Bob to drive to work. Well, they got pulled over and ticketed because we didn't have a VA inspection sticker on it. Bob just registered the car (in VA, not in PA where our other 2 cars are registered) on Dec. 1, and no one at the DMV told him he needed an inspection, so we just assumed we did everything we needed to do. When Bob called the DMV to ask them about this last night, they basically said they don't administer the program, and it isn't their responsibility to tell us about the need for the inspection. So how are we to find out that we need one? Well, in the words of the helpful DMV lady, "You should have read the manual." Which manual? Were we issued one? What is she talking about? She never clarified, just reiterated that it was not their responsibility to tell us. Obviously we were in the wrong, but still it is annoying, since I still don't know how we were supposed to find out about this requirement. Makes you wonder what else the great state of VA is not telling us. Ah, the joys of moving around. Anyways, last night Bob was very sick with some kind of tummy bug. He is finally feeling better this evening, but we are praying no one else gets it. It was certainly a violent bug. No fun at all. The boys are having a great time with their Uncle Dan and Aunt Melinda (and Grandma and Grandpa too, of course, but that is not so much of a novelty!). Caleb and Luke even got to go shopping with them this afternoon! Melinda cooked dinner for us tonight. She made tacos--quite yummy. We've been staying up late talking too. I wish we all lived closer!!

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