Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Looming Changes

Bob is looking into getting his realtor's license. He has 2 1/2 years before he is eligible to retire, and we've been thinking about what he should do when he gets out. He's thought about being a realtor for a long time, so this isn't a big surprise, but it has caused some stress in our family. I don't like change. Period. And retirement is going to be a BIG change, no matter what he does. So I am automatically defensive about the whole subject, and I am inclined to play the devil's advocate and think about the possible cons in every situation. This leads him to be more enthusiatic (to counter my negativity), which makes me even more more "doomsday", and it's just a bad cycle. I have been trying to analyze my feelings, to see if it's the whole realtor thing that is bad, or just the whole retirement thing, and I guess I'd have to say both. We've never had exceptionally great dealings with any realtors, so my gut reaction is "I don't like realtors--they're cheesy." (Not to offend anyone--I know there are exceptions out there; we just haven't dealt with any!) Also, being a realtor is not something I feel called to be--it doesn't fit my strengths at all, and the thought of dealing with that many people just makes my stomach tense. But I am having to realize that it might be Bob's calling, and I need to support it while realizing that I don't have to actually get out there and DO it (but I might--there's a doomsday scenario there, I'm sure!). Bob wants to get his license and do it part-time until he retires, but the market here is very intimidating, and that concerns me as well. I'm afraid we'll never see him, and that, although he assures me that we will, he might not be able to avoid it, once he gets started. So there are a lot of complicated issues here, and we are struggling to hear the Lord's leading. I do want to go into this change gracefully, not having to be dragged along, kicking and screaming. Please pray for us as we make decisions!

1 comment:

Pilot Mom said...

Well, I have to say that I broke out laughing (sorry) when I read about your 'more doomier and his more enthusiastic' attitude. That is just so like UJ and myself to a "T". As for realtors, the one we had to buy this house and to sell our other one was a born again Christian. In fact, because of us, he enrolled his children in ICS. Also, our cousin, Monte, is a realtor and she is very nice! :) Now, food for thought. It might be good for Bob to get his license now and try it part time before he actually retires. This way he could find out if he really and truly likes it and if it's a good fit. You won't ever have to do what he is doing, maybe just take messages, which I'm sure you do anyway as his wife. And, by doing it part time that will give you a feel for the hours etc. If you never see him then that may be sufficient to make an informed decision. Another thing that I just thought of, and that would be for him to email Monte and ask her some very honest questions about what to realistically expect, such as hours, days, etc. Then you could multiply all that info by "x" because of the difference in your locations. I'll send you her email address in a regular email and then if you decide to pursue that line, great! Anyway, we will be praying! AC