Thursday, January 13, 2005

Science Fair, anyone?

This evening I went to a meeting for the Loudoun County Homeschool Science Fair. I don't know what I was really expecting, but since this is such a huge homeschooling area, I thought things would be pretty much in hand, and they might need me to stuff envelopes or something. In fact, I wasn't really sure at all that I would be useful, but my brother Dan had encouraged me, saying they always need people to do little stuff, so I went. Well. As it turns out, there is no homeschool science fair for northern Virginia at all. This is like a big first. And there were exactly 3 other people at the meeting. It looks like there's more to be done than just stuffing envelopes! I was the only person who had any experience whatsoever with science fairs, both in participating and judging. When I told them I had gone to State twice, they were all awed. Right now I am working with one of the other ladies to find out all the International Science and Engineering Fairs rules, but it looks like there will be plenty of other jobs coming up. We are looking at a date of February 2006. It is a very diverse group so far--one Muslim, one Jew (actually from Israel), and the woman who is heading this all up is American, but her husband is an Israeli of Palestinian descent. Well, I had been thinking of getting out of my comfort zone, and I guess now I am! I just hope I'm not biting off more than I can chew.

1 comment:

Pilot Mom said...

Way to go, Claire! They should be awed! Don't they realize they have greatness in their presence? :) Naturally, I am not at all predjudiced! Not one iota. But, if they didn't know, just send them my way and I'll set them straight. Seriously, I think this is really exciting and right up your alley (or galaxy). I'm so proud of you!