Monday, May 02, 2005

Another Birthday!

Today is a special day--my husband's birthday! And he turns 40! We've been married almost 12 years now, and the longer we are married, the more I can see that he is just the right man for me. He's a fun, life-of-the-party kind of guy (and I certainly am not), but I can tell that I am more outgoing and confident since we've been married! Also, I don't like confrontation at all (still don't, really), but I used to not even be able to return things to stores without total embarrassment. That's all changed, thanks to influence of my bold "the customer is always right" husband! He encourages me and supports me in our homeschooling, and just in being a stay-at-home mom, which is so important to me. He's a good provider, a faithful husband, and a loving daddy to our boys. These next few years of transition are going to be stretching times for us, but I am confident they will eventually bring our family even closer together. Happy birthday, Bob! I hope we celebrate many, many more of them together! : )

1 comment:

Bob and Claire said...


This guy sounds like superman!

Bob :-)