Thursday, May 12, 2005

New Toothpaste

Well, I'm sure everyone has been dying to know what is happening in my great toothpaste experiment. To refreash your memories, I have suffered from horrible cankersores for years and years, but some internet research that I did recommended switching toothpastes to one that did not have sodium lauryl sulfate. That does not include any that you might find at a place like WalMart, so I had to venture out to our local health food store. There I found Doctor Burt's Lavender and Mint Toothpaste, which is made by the Burt's Bees company. It proudly states "No sodium lauryl sulfate!" on its label, so I figured it was exactly what I was looking for. It smells good, sort of like an herbal tea , but unfortunately that is also exactly what it tastes like when you use it to brush--very bitter! So far it has received a thumb's down from all the boys as well as Bob (the only one who actually brushed with it). I never really thought much about the importance of "foaming agents" in my toothpaste, but it turns out to really make quite a difference. I don't feel like my mouth is really *clean* after I brush anymore, so I'm ending up using a lot of mouthwash too. But I'm definitely going to keep with it. When I started using it, I had 2 cankersores that were beginning to get big at the front of my mouth. To my surprise, they just sort of disappeared. They never peaked at the huge, raging stage like they usually do. I'm sold! And I haven't had any more since then. In a way, it makes sense--when I start to have canker sores, I brush my teeth ALL THE TIME because mouth acid is irritating to the sores, so I want that clean just-brushed taste in my mouth. But if the toothpaste itself is actually an irritant, then the sores will just get bigger and bigger, and I would keep getting more of them, which is always what happened. Praise the Lord! It's hard for me to even imagine life without cankersores, but I'm so thrilled with this relief!


Bob and Claire said...

Hey, Jason--first, I read your blog and your comments on anonymous comments. I think it's fine to comment anonymously, but what I have problems with is people making anonymous critical statements that are not even based on anything, just a random impression. Anonymously contributing to a discussion and giving your point of view is fine, but making inaccurate criticisms without knowing the person who you are criticizing is not. Then the poster is just trying to stir things up, in my opinion, and it is not a constructive, helpful dialogue. So that's why I blocked anonymous comments again!

As far as Jesus goes, he certainly was a real person; historical records back all that up. And his disciples (the ones who actually saw his ministry)were almost all martyred in terrible ways. If they were just mouthing a lie, why didn't any of them recant? They saw him heal, raise people from the dead, and most importantly, come back from the grave himself--and they died proclaiming that. He's working in my life too, even when things don't turn out as I think they should. Thanks for stopping by and commenting (and leaving your name!) : )

Bob and Claire said...

"Know Why You Believe" by Little(?) is a great book to look at. I respect where you are in your search. Here's something to think about: from the top-down, if God exists, we might expect Him to reveal Himself. How? In nature and in each of our human natures(read Romans in the Bible), in making "unexplainable" things (like the universe, like the complexity of each cell (The book, Darwin's Black Box is great!)". Okay, then once I understood God existed, I thought, "well, how would He guide each of us to find Him? (which is religion)" Then, I realized, I couldn't find Him, He would have to find me. And a loving God would be looking :) . To digress, I love a story I heard about someone wishing they could tell some freezing birds that they wanted to help the birds, and that they could take shelter in the barn. However, he couldn't get them to trust him and go--and they wished they could become one of them to relay the message. This was similar to God's plan! Christ died in my (and your place); I would never deserve it, only graciously accpet this precious gift--my growing relationship with Christ, including reading the Bible and talking with Him, shows that I have exchanged my pitiful life for His plan for me. I hope this helps.