Wednesday, October 19, 2005


I've been sort of blogging-distracted lately. Last week, Bob told me that he had a TDY this next week to Ohio for a conference. I was so excited! I am absolutely dying to see the new house that my parents are building, plus it has been a so long since I've seen Amy (since June). I was very cautious and didn't get my hopes up ALL the way, but it was all I could think about. On Monday everything looked good to go, so I really did get excited. But this morning Bob found out that it was denied. NO! When I called Mom and Dad to tell them (sobbing), Dad couldn't even tell who I was! Just some crazy, emotional pregnant woman. It looks like I am going to drive out with the boys myself on Saturday though. Still--what a bummer. Crazy Air Force.

On Monday Bob also mentioned the possibility of an assignment in England. Wow! That also got me excited! He had almost no details to give me, so instead of waiting patiently for more information, I tried to figure out stuff by spending a long time on the internet (sorry to be so deliberately vague). Today we found out that the one little piece of info we had was totally wrong, so all my "research" was for naught. Again, though, this has been all I can think about! I think he is still going to put in for the job. We'll see what the Lord has in mind.

1 comment:

Pilot Mom said...

Ok, we will begin saving our money NOW! :)