Sunday, October 30, 2005

A Small Miracle

I already told some of you this, but I am still so excited about it, I wanted to share. I told you in my last post that Caleb was still really struggling with his asthma, and that we ran out of his albuterol inhaler. A few months before we left Wright-Pat, I had gotten another prescription of it, as well as another "puffer" thing, for some reason--I think a doctor just prescribed it to us, not realizing we already had one or something. The bag with the extra puffer is in the linen closet in Caleb's bathroom, and for awhile I knew where the extra albuterol was too. But then it just kind of disappeared, and although I looked diligently, I couldn't find it. But I never really needed it, so it was mainly just something that bugged me at odd times, that I couldn't find it. Well, last night I decided to look for it again, and amazingly, I found it right away in the closet! I was so thrilled! Praise the Lord! So now I do not have to start my day tomorrow calling for a doctor appointment! I know it was the Lord, because I have looked in that closet several times before, and I am a careful "looker", but I couldn't find it. I felt like the woman in Luke 15 who looked through her whole house for the missing coin, and then threw a party for all her friends when she found it!

This doesn't really relate to the above anecdote, but I was reminded of it, since I was thinking about doctors. There was a bill waiting for me when we got back, from a lab company. They did the 5 standard prenatal blood tests, as well as the pap smear I had done at my first OB appointment. The grand total for these 6 tests? A whopping $952. WOW! They also don't automatically bill your insurance, so I have to resubmit the bill with all my insurance info on it. I hope Tricare covers it, although I am not holding my breath. Although I gripe about Tricare quite frequently, I will say that it is a very nice thing, when dealing with military medicine, to not be surprised by bills like this appearing in your mailbox! Who knew blood tests were so darn expensive?!!

1 comment:

Pilot Mom said...

Isn't lab work costly? Our ins. pays for ours completely! I'm so thankful because every 3-4 months I have to go have tons of blood work done (I'm sure just like your mom) for the diabetes.