Monday, December 30, 2013

Annual Christmas Play

Every year the kids in our Friday night Bible study act out the Christmas story.  There are parts for all!  We call the evening "bar night", because we start out with a potato bar and end up with an ice cream sundae bar.  Yummy!!  This year Elizabeth baked 40 pounds of potatoes, so that tells you something about the appetites of this crowd!  I made a crockpot full of chili (7 quarts practically licked clean, LOL), and others brought ham, taco meat, cheese, broccoli, bacon, sour cream--anything delicious you could want to put on a baked potato!

Then the kids disappeared downstairs, along with random stuff the different families had brought along for costuming purposes, to determine who would fill the various roles.

 Anna was a shepherd (she has her back to the camera), and Drew was a cute little sheep, pulled along in his sheep wagon by Joel McC.  I think he was originally supposed to be an angel, but hey, this worked! 
 Grace was an angel, although a non-speaking one.  Also, she didn't have any cool wings or a cool halo.  Next year . . .
 Jonathan was a wise man, as usual.  A few years ago, he found a really cool bottle/jar thing by a creek near the McC's house when he was on some sort of little expedition with their boys.  He proudly brought it home, where we discovered it was actually some sort of liquor bottle (vodka, maybe?  I can't remember).  It really was cool, and he rightly recognized that it would be a perfect bottle for myrrh!  So now he is officially the wise man who carries the "myrrh".  Here in the picture, he and the other 2 wise men have asked King Herod, there on his exercise throne, where the king of the Jews is to be born.  Herod has consulted his scribe (Nathan), who is busily searching through ancient texts to discover the answer ("Bethlehem").  Luke, the Roman soldier, is in the background.
 Caleb got the plum role of Joseph, alongside Stephanie (holding her baby brother, who played Jesus).  Jonathan was angling for the Joseph role when he realized Stephanie was going to be Mary, but Caleb convinced him he needed to stick with being a wise man.  Tricky!  And hey, you can even sort of see Jonathan's cool myrrh bottle in the picture, next to the gold chest and the "franken-cinnamon" bottle!

It is always such a fun rendition of the Christmas story, and it definitely gets me in the Christmas spirit every year!  Then we go back upstairs and have ice cream with every topping you can think of--M&Ms, oreo crumbs, gummy bears, chocolate chips, tons of different sauce flavors, etc.  There was a dark chocolate sauce this year that I loved!  I need to find out where that came from . . .

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