Monday, December 30, 2013

Catching Up

We got back last night from a wonderful week in Ohio with my parents and my brother and his family!  I want to remember the week, so I'm going to catch up on posts over the next few days, hopefully, since I did a deplorable job of blogging while we were gone.  We were too busy having too much fun! 

But first, I'll fill you in on one last Christmas surprise--a balance beam!  Anna and Grace have talked about how much they wanted "gymnastics equipment" for Christmas.  I looked at stuff on Amazon, but it was expensive and just seemed like an idea that wouldn't work.  Which was fine, because Anna was thrilled with her boots, and Grace with her Webkinz.  But Friday, the day before we left for Ohio, a friend from our elementary co-op sent an email to our local homeschool group saying she was selling her daughter's balance beam because her daughter wasn't doing gymnastics anymore!  I could hardly believe it!  I emailed Cathy back right away saying we were interested, but could we wait to pick it up until we were back in town.  She said yes, so Bob and I drove over and picked it up this afternoon.

The girls were SO excited when we appeared at the front door with it!  Anna and Grace have been busy showing us all their tricks.  Anna can do a cartwheel and a back walkover on it!  Micah is hilarious when he tries to do what the girls do, LOL.  He puts one foot and one hand on the beam, and the other on the floor and then proceeds to somersault or whatever, mainly on the floor.  Faith hasn't actually started any gymnastics class yet, but she will be well-prepared when she does start!

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