Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Nathan made us authentic oatcakes last night for dinner from a recipe in the Celtic book we're reading. They were pretty good! Of course, we added honey to the recipe, so maybe that's why. We even used the old-fashioned kind of oats (which I accidentally bought at the commissary one time) instead of the quick-cooking, since no self-respecting Celt would have been steel-cutting their oats, I'm sure! The oatcake recipe was pretty simple, but Nathan really is turning into quite a good baker. He made whole-wheat biscuits to go with our soup a few nights ago, and Saturday night he made pancakes (from scratch, using Elizabeth's yummy whole wheat flour recipe). I'm around to supervise, but he's doing pretty much everything, including the rolling out and cutting! Now if I could just get him to do all the washing up too . . .


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