Friday, February 25, 2005

Not to bore anyone . . .

Well, since my blog is mainly a way to keep my extended family informed on what's happening in my immediate family, I am going to take another opportunity to blather on about our ongoing flu battle. Today was a better day--almost all of us actually got dressed (Jonathan was the lone holdout), I did one load of laundry, and we had something other than soup for dinner. Granted, it was frozen chicken strips and canned peas, but hey, it's a start. But, my temp still goes up in the evening, we're all still coughing, and Caleb ran a fever today for the first time in a day or two, making me wonder if he doesn't perhaps have an ear infection or something. But no one has complained about anything specific, so we'll see what tomorrow brings. In other news, Jonathan has learned how to say "No" very clearly, and he now says it all the time (but he pronounces it "NEEEEEWWWWWW", like maybe an irate, upper-crust Britishperson). He has been a real pistol lately. I wish I could report to you that I was using this time of my weakness to be filled with God's strength, but unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the case, and I have been quite snippy. Last night things really came to a head with Jonathan. He absolutely refused to eat even one bite of the chicken/dumpling soup I had made, and was having quite the little tantrum about the mere fact that he was in his high chair at all. So I in a stunning display of coordination, pulled him out of his high chair to let him spend some quality time in his crib, thereby knocking off the tray, and the afore-mentioned rejected soup, all over the kitchen floor. Sigh. That didn't help. Maybe when I'm feeling better and more coherent, I will come up with a pearl of wisdom to take away from all of this. Or maybe not. Surely we WILL all feel better someday? Hah--and maybe someday our house won't look like the Battle of Hastings just took place here! Did you all catch that clever history reference? I worked that in, and that's been about the sum of the schooling we've done this week. Guess that's why we school year-around.

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