Tuesday, February 01, 2005

A Tale of Two Very Different Boys

Something happened last night that so clearly demonstrates the differences in the personalitites of Nathan and Luke. By way of background, for Christmas, the Lorenzinis gave them this "Knight's Treasure Chest", which has all these wonderful activities and games about medieval times for them to do. One activity involved constructing a tiny "mangonel" (catapult) using these itsy-bitsy plastic pieces and a 1 in. piece of string. The wheels are held on by these 5 mm pegs. Well, last night as I was reading their Bible story, I noticed that one of the wheels was missing. I mentioned that, and Nathan was all disappointed, "I tried to reconnect it with a piece of wire, but I guess it didn't work." Luke was looking around the floor and found the missing wheel, so we put it back on the mangonel, at which point Nathan realized that this was a different wheel. He had very cleverly used a staple to hold the other wheel on, bending it like a twistie, and it was still working great. In the meantime, Luke continued to look around and soon triumphantly held up the tiny peg. We put it in to hold the other wheel on, and then Luke proceeded to find the last peg. These are so small, and their floor is not all that clean, but he is a real finder. Nathan, however, is an innovator. So both boys solved the problem in their own way--Nathan figured out something new, and Luke searched to find the original piece. Hmm--which boy is like Bob, and which boy is like me? : )

1 comment:

Pilot Mom said...

Isn't it exciting to watch the differences which the good Lord created? So unique, so wonderfully different and, of course, so loved! Love, AC