Monday, June 05, 2006

Strep1; Antibiotic 0

This morning I finished my last antibiotic, but my throat was still just as sore and my glands just as swollen, so I again called at 6:00 and got an appointment at the clinic. What is up with me and antibiotics?! I mean, I don't take them at the drop of a hat, so I don't think overuse is the problem. In fact, before my bout with mastitis a month ago, I hadn't had any at all the whole time we've been here (almost 2 years), and I can't remember the last time I needed them in Ohio! But anyhow, I'm now on a different antibiotic, this one 4 times a day for 10 days. Maybe this will do the trick--I am so ready to feel better. The house is a wreck, we're doing school-lite, and I want to get ready for my big trip to Utah on Thursday!

Surprisingly, the person I saw this morning was 1. a native English speaker, and 2. a military officer! I didn't think they had any of those working at this clinic! The person I saw last Thursday also spoke English very well and was easy to communicate with. Maybe it's just the pediatric doctors that are so hard to understand and communicate with.

I have been complaining lately about being at a plateau of weight-loss. I was 12 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight, and I just wasn't losing anymore, which was very frustrating. But then I gave up milk for Anna, and there went cheese, sour cream, chocolate, ice cream, etc. Now I've kicked it up a notch by having sore throat for so many days that makes swallowing very painful, and I've lost 4 pounds! As they say, a silver lining in every cloud . . .

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