Sunday, August 26, 2007

Funny Story From Last Night

We wandered through Books and Co. on our double date last night as we tried to make room for dessert after our big meal. Right after we walked in, Bob picked up a "Calculus For Dummies" book, which he leafed through as we walked around. On the other side of the store, one of a group of girls asked Bob where the educational books were, because she was looking for a book on anatomy. "Oh", I pipe up, "I know I saw Grey's Anatomy books over there", pointing by where we came in. The girl laughed and said rather dismissively, "Well, I really don't think those would help me with my biology class."

I was pretty puzzled--umm, hello, you said "anatomy", and that is THE classic anatomy text--until Bob said, "You know, I think she thought you meant a book about the TV show 'Grey's Anatomy'." Yeah . . . it all makes sense now. I hope she's not planning on becoming a doctor, LOL!


Johanna said...

That is very funny, and I would have never thought of the TV show either.LOL

Pilot Mom said...

Claire, was she blonde?! LOL!

I wouldn't have thought of the tv show either since she asked for "educational books."

That's one to go down in the memory books...too funny! I hope Pilot reads this. He will get a laugh out of it.

Dy said...

ROFLOL! Oh, my. I didn't even think of the TV show. Well, I would give a good-sized chunk of cash to have seen her face when she found *the* book, and realized she's the one who sounded silly, not you. LOL!!


Johanna said...

Hey there are smart blondes out there too.