Tuesday, August 21, 2007


We made it safely to Ohio on Sunday, and we hada really good trip. The weather was quite pleasant, and the car was not noisy, thanks to our new seating arrangement. Here's how it looked:

(driver) (passenger)
Grace Caleb Nathan
Jonathan Luke Anna

This way, Caleb was able to keep putting Grace's pacifier in, and he did an outstanding job of keeping her quiet. Kudos to Caleb!! Luke was charged with keeping Anna occupied, and he had free rein to shovel food at her, even if it wasn't an officially designated snack time. Her snack bag had teddy grahams, animal crackers, and toddler fruit snacks, and he just kept feeding them to her.

With all the quiet in the van, we were able to listen to a book on CD. This trip's selection was The Swiss Family Robinson. It is a very exciting book, so it certainly kept our attention. It is also unwittingly a hilarious book in that it was evidently written by a man long ago who had read many encyclopedias on various plant and animal life, and visited some zoos perhaps, but had no real understanding of animal habitats. So, the Robinsons met on their tropical paradise flamengoes . . . and penguins . . . and porcupines . . . and kangaroos . . .and buffalo . . . and onagers . . . and trout . . . and salmon . . . and all sorts of other animals, birds, fish, and plant life from vastly different climates and parts of the world. And of course they immediately shoot and kill whatever weird animal they have found so that they can identify it. No real worries about preservation, LOL. So this is not a book that would be written today, that's for sure, but we are enjoying it tremendously. I love how the father is always mindful to thank God for his goodness and mercy to them, and I like how the father makes sure his sons talk nicely to each other, aren't lazy, and in other ways demonstrate good character qualities. Again, not a book that would be written today!

Yesterday we spent the day over at Amy's house. The boys played around in the water outside, and fortunately the rain held off until they were done out there! Anna once again was terrified of their fat old cat, Pumpkin. I'm ready for her to be out of this stage, LOL. It was a fun day, though. Amy made a delicious chicken salad for lunch, and baked ziti for dinner, so we ate well too!

Today Bob is taking the boys bowling at Wright-Pat. Nathan has been dying to do this. This morning Bob had an incredible brain wave, wondering if we could get Nathan's ID card here, instead of trekking all the way to Bolling AFB. We called and Bob will take him on Thursday. Yay! How convenient! That's my man--always thinking!

1 comment:

Pilot Mom said...

Oh, Claire, Bob is definitely a keeper! What a brilliant idea.

Sounds like you are having tons of fun. So glad to hear that the new seating arrangement worked. Whew! What a relief for you all!

I could just see Anna with her steady stream of food...grazing across the miles! And the fact that she still ate some of her dinner is good.

Give all the children hugs and kisses from UJ and AC!!