Thursday, March 09, 2006


Last night we finally moved Caleb's bed into Jonathan's room, and the first night went quite well. I heard them talking and giggling around 8:00 this morning. I went in, and Caleb beamed, "Now we're just like you and Daddy and Nathan and Luke!" LOL! I guess they were feeling left out, not having anyone to talk to in the mornings! I think the whole situation will work out well--it's quite convenient to have all the boys in just 2 rooms. I'm still on the lookout for nice bunkbeds, preferably with a full on the bottom and twin on top, but for right now, Jonathan is doing well on the futon. And Caleb is not really ready to be on the top bunk, no matter what he might tell you!

This week, you may recall, was also supposed to be the week that I started Jonathan wearing underwear, but I just can't do it right now. I guess I'll blame the pregnancy, but I'm not multitasking real well, and it just seems overwhelming to think about having to remind him to go potty and also change clothes in case of accident. I'm just feeling so ungainly and large that I don't want the bother. On the plus side, we had a great day of school today, and I want to get in as many of those before the baby comes and we take a break! Stopping all the time for potty breaks would definitely put a damper on that, not to mention me having a hard time popping up and down off the couch!

Overall, I really am feeling pretty well--just large, as I said before. I carry so low and so right out in front, that all the pressure is right on my pubic bone, which always aches in the end. That's really my big complaint right now. Everything else is fine. I'm sleeping well too, and all my exercise has helped me not have much back pain unless I really stand a lot during the day. But I'm still tired, with not much energy. If I exercise in the morning, do school, and then do something else after lunch (run an errand or something), then I am just pooped. Dinners have not been too inspired lately. I'm also getting crabbier, unfortunately! Oh well, about 3 more weeks . . . Hard to believe.

1 comment:

Beverly said...

How cute about the boys loving their new roommate! I'm sure you're ready to not be pregnant anymore...I well remember those last few weeks. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers!

Also, thanks for the note about Luke's experience with salvation. I've had friends who know they were saved at 3 years of age, and even though others doubt they truly knew and understood, they too insist that they completely remember circumstances, verses, etc. So I want to give Tobin the benefit of the doubt and continue to encourage him, just as you said.