Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Happy One Week Birthday!

What a difference a week makes! We celebrated Anna's one week birthday by eating ice cream while the birthday girl napped. She'll get hers later on, I guess! Anna also had her first sponge bath this morning. Obviously cleanliness is not a priority for me, LOL! She really wasn't that dirty until a day or so ago, when she started spitting up after meals, just like all her big brothers. Somehow, I grow incredible spitters-uppers. Anyways, I grew tired of the sour milk smell. She didn't even fuss during the bath. She's really very even-tempered, from what I can tell so far. She has also made incredible progress in getting her days and nights straightened out this week. For the past few nights, she has slept really well. Last night I fed her at midnight, then she woke up again at 4:00, and again at 8:15. Hey, I can work with that! She's starting to have her eyes open a little more often during the day, to the great delight of all her brothers. Speaking of brothers, Jonathan has progressed from calling her "that guy" to "my baby" (actually, to be accurate, "MINE baby"--he speaks sort of a King James English). I have actually tried to take more pictures of her, but for all her even-temperedness, she is not a very cooperative model, LOL! She always waves her hands around at the last minute, turns her head, screws up her face, or something, so there really aren't any great pictures. Sorry Aunt Claire! I'll keep trying though--a mother's love and all that. Off to nurse again!


Unknown said...

LOOK at all that PINK!! Her present is in the mail as of yesterday!!
Love Pam

Beverly said...

She is so beautiful! Glad to hear she's getting her days and nights sorted out. Love your family picture also!