Friday, March 02, 2007

The ice storm that keeps on giving . . .

So we had a big snow/ice storm right before the kids and I left for Ohio. Our driveway and front walk simply do not get ANY sun at all during the winter, so the ice just hangs on, melting when warm and then refreezing. This has caused some major problems this time around. For one, we now need a new garage door because the Pathfinder slid on the ice in the driveway and ran into the door, breaking it. And then today we got a registered letter from the Post Office saying that our mail man slipped on the ice by our front door while delivering a package on Feb. 16 and will probably be suing us. How lovely! This is really stressing me out, with the glucose test on Monday and now this lawsuit threat. The mail man "sustained bruised ribs and was also given prescriptions", and any claim will include "special damages (medical bills, etc.) and general damages (pain and suffering, inconvenience)". Sigh.


Pilot Mom said...

oh no! how terrible! do you sprinkle that "ice melt" stuff? That helps us in our icy area. that ol' PO...grrrr.

Anonymous said...

Yikes, people are so sue-happy in our culture. Hope it goes OK. What a bummer. Guess you won't be waving friendly hi's to the mailman any more!

Anonymous said...

If you've ever seen our driveway, you're probably wondering how anyone can slide up a sustained 30 degree slope. So, mea culpa, "I was the one that broke the limited edition Art Bigoti collectors plate"--and for anyone without Veggietale experience, I was having a "SUV" moment in our driveway. It's true...they're 4-wheel drive...not 4-wheel stop.

Thanks, Bob

Pilot Mom said...