Friday, March 11, 2005

How many boys?

We went to Sams after lunch today. There was this sweet elderly couple back in the bakery section, and they were smiling at the boys. The wife said to me, "We have 4 boys too", and then her husband said something, but he kind of mumbled it, looking at her in a confused way. Then she smiled, and said, "Then we had 2 girls", and so I said "Oh, how wonderful!" So then she said, " . . . And then we had 2 more boys . . . and then 2 more girls". I said, "Umm, wow, how many kids did you have altogether?" She said "10". I realized that's why her husband had looked so surprised when she said they had 4 boys--he had mumbled to her that they actually had 6 boys! LOL! That's how a lot of the families are in our homeschool co-op here. You ask a little boy how many brothers he has, and he'll reply "5 . . . and 3 sisters". We're definitely a small family here in D.C.!

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