Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Chiropractic Update

This evening I had my fifth chiropractic treatment. All I can say is--wow! What a difference! My shoulder is so much looser and less tense. It's absolutely amazing. The doctor has given me several different exercises to strengthen the shoulder/back muscles to keep the shoulder from rolling forward. I've been doing them, and I have been so surprised at how weak that area is when isolated. No wonder I've had so many problems!

My hip is improving as well. Apparently my pelvis just got really twisted in this last pregnancy, and after I delivered, it stayed out of place. I could tell it was really off because I couldn't even comfortably cross my right leg over my left one anymore--it was so painful. Sometimes it hurt even just to walk. I was sure my hip was going to go into arthritis at the ripe old age of 34.

I really feel the Lord led me to the right chiropractor, one who specializes in skeletal-muscular issues. I can't believe I am feeling so much better! It feels like a miracle to me, because I really just thought I would have to live like this for the rest of my life.

Today the doctor was talking to me about what I do to exercise my abs. I told him I do sit-ups, crunches, etc. He asked how effective I thought they were, and I told him not at all, LOL. I always tell Bob that I feel like I could do sit-ups faithfully forever and still have the same saggy, poochy tummy! He told me I was exactly right, and that my weak stomach muscles are the ones underneath the outer "6-pack" layer". Those ones are pretty much shot after all these pregnancies. So the doctor told me he wanted me to go to one of their pilates classes (for free!) so I can learn those exercises and do them at home. He thought I was "self-disciplined enough" to do them at home. Well, hopefully so, especially if there is a chance that they might help my tummy, as well as helping my hip and shoulder stay in the correct alignment! So I am signed up for a pilates class next Thursday from 11:45-12:45. I must say this is incredibly out of my comfort zone. I am definitely an "exercise on the treadmill or bike in the privacy of my own bedroom" kind of gal, not one who does anything in front of strangers. I need to get a video out of the library or something so I'll at least know what to expect. (This is the exact sort of situation where I am reminded how very much I am like Luke, LOL.) I need to line up baby-sitting as well. I tell you, if this class wasn't going to be free, I would definitely just never get around to signing up for it!


Johanna said...

I thought Pilates was silly at first but my mom liked them. Since I would never go to a class and do them she bought me a ball and a video for Christmas a couple years ago. It is actually a really tough work out. If you want to borrow the video for a while I will bring it to you. I won't be needing it for a while.

Tonya said...

I've done a little bit of Pilates. It is a hard workout! But, very very good for your core muscles. I hope you have great success with it! Let me know. In another 8 months I'll be needing to do tons more. :-)

I just have to say that it is good for me to hear of a homeschool mom with lots of kids actually taking time for HER. Not in a selfish way, but in a "hey my body needs attention" way! :-) I tend to let mine be neglected until I'm desperate. Then I run a couple miles, hurt for a couple days and neglect it again. So, GOOD for you for going to the chiropractor and doing pilates. I find it overwhelming to even think of making an appointment for myself!